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Manifest Density


Comments (5)


Newt's 15 minutes were up several years ago.

Tom Wms.:

Maybe he can get some dissatisfied mules to pull for him.


I can't believe that I haven't heard anyone talk about how he looked like the only sensible intelligent person among a bunch of political hacks in that debate. (okay maybe Cain and Bachmann weren't political hacks but they looked like they'd never been in front of a camera before)
Am I the only one who likes what he has to say? Or is it that everyone thinks he won't do what he says - he's just a hypocrite?
It's odd to me as libertarian as I am for him to be the candidate I'm drawn to - and NO ONE seems to want him anywhere near the White House.

Tom Wms.:

Doug: I like Newt. I think he is probably the smartest guy in the game. I like what he stands for. But I think he has a tendency to speak before he weighs all the words. In some circles, this is admirable. Unfortunately, in his circle, there are wolves just waiting to jump on any little slip. That scares a lot of people and his support is waning.

Dr. Bob:

Newt just baffles me.

Most of the time he says the right things, but every once in a while he seems to throw an off-the-wall lefty wrench into the gears of his political machine.

Is he having a brain-fart or is he really serious or is he waffling (or nuanced when referring to the current WH occupant) or is he throwing out an illy-thunk idea?

Regardless, my wife loves him - I'm thinking he's got too much baggage and is straddling issues. He'd make a really good chief of staff though.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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