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Haiku What?


Eternal questions
Echoing through time and space
Might suggest fowl play.

This is my entry in this week's Illustration Friday theme, "chicken". I figured it lended itself to a fair haiku round-up, too.

Comments (17)

Ed B:

Chicken of the Sea?
If that's so, where's the water?
So much confusion...


Just jumped in my head
Bad onomatopoeia
Cocky doodle dude

That glowing orb is lunar
there, across the road.

Red Army head, wait!
Didn't mean anything by:
"Gen'ral Tso's Chicken"

Going down the road again
is nothing for the
spineless chickens of today

Doc Al:

Southernmost roosters
Inbred for a hundred years
Cackle all day long

(Inspired by a recent trip to Key West where the chickens that were brought over by the Bahamians escaped from their backyard pens after a hurricane a century ago and now roam free all over the island, cock-a-doodle-doodling at all hours of the day.)

Doc Al:

Exotic menu:
Yak feet, giraffe balls, anemone -
All taste like chicken

Thanks for all the info, your blog is extremely helpful.


Rooster crossed the road
To get to the other side.
Was a chicken there?


Why'd rooster cross road?
If he stayed in the middle
He would be roadkill

Dr. Bob:

Fowl at the road's edge.
Possum, raccoon cheered her on.
Proved it could be crossed.

Road, truck and chicken,
Feathered tragedy soon struck,
Flattened fowl roadkill lunch.

Ed B:

Chicken crossed the road
Pinned to a punk rocker's cheek.
Sorry - an old joke...

Finally a blog that didnt contradict it self, amazing writing. :)

You guys really seem to know your stuff this blog of information was very useful.:)

So like i saw your blog and it like totally told me whats up thanks for your input. One love.

I am definately gonna subscribe, this is soo interesting, love your thoughts.

Thanks for all the info, your blog is extremely helpful.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 19, 2011 4:12 PM.

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