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and now a word from John Huston...


Comments (16)


My personal favorites where "The Maltese Falcon" and "Moby Dick".

John Cox:

Hey G

After "The Treasure of Sierra Madre", I particularly enjoy "The Man Who Would Be King" (1975).

Huston's vision was so personal and, for me, heroic.

Dr. Bob:

Fortunately for Mr. Huston what
he liked was also liked by millions.

Is it better to deliver art that a million people like or better to deliver art that one person really, really, really loves? I suppose it depends on the medium of the art.

John Cox:


From personal and professional experience, I can state that popularity at the price of acceptability is hell. Excellence is a personal mission to put your stamp on the world and, boy, does it take time.

Dr. Bob:


You're right about the "Excellence is a personal mission to put your stamp on the world and, boy, does it take time" phrase.

I think this can apply to almost every human endeavor - excellence, craftsmanship and passion certainly do in my daily technical work - they have become who I am.

John Cox:

Hey Dr. Bob

That's a big 10-4.


I always liked Tolstoy's description of art as "expression that transcends words & communicates the artist's thoughts or feelings in a way that make it possible for the viewer [or listener, or reader] to understand what the artist intended to communicate--or possibly feel what the artist felt when he was crafting his work" (paraphrased).

I liked the way Tolstoy distinguished between art & craft, & how his description made it possible to distinguish between the two without denigrating (or, given the "controversy" over Huckleberry Finn, should I say "de-n-word-ting") either as "lesser".

Michelangelo put Dr. Bob's question in terms of quantity: Is it better to produce just one great work or a large volume of good (but lesser) works? He said he preferred the latter, but I think he was prolific in a quest for the former...

...& I think he accomplished the former more than once.

There's a lesson in there about work or perseverance (or something).


Just caught my eye scrolling by:

Is it just me, or does Mr. H. look a little bit like David Letterman? (With sincere apologies to John, Mr. H., his family, & all his fans)

John Cox:


I had that very problem in my early sketches. The nose, long chin, gapped over-bite....Strange how certain facial traits translate over to other faces we recognize, even in different contexts.


I'd think John Huston would be a tough guy to do a caricature of; his face (cheeks) was (were) so long, & long faces don't seem to lend themselves well to caricature work.

Maybe making a more appealing caricature is what made the resemblance to Letterman stand out (Eddie Van Halen is another guy who reminds me of Letterman).


Hmmmm.....just got back from the barn. Did you know that a horse's ass reminds me of Letterman?

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John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 5, 2011 5:38 PM.

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