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and now a word from Voltaire...



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Comments (7)


Would that be like 'covering an additional 34 million people with medical insurance and pay LESS than you are now'?

Guess that explains the Holder Department of Injustice.


WOW! One of my favorites! I love good satire and this is why. I read Candide as a teen...can't remember why really. Maybe for an English class or something, but I remember it fondly. Probably changed some of my views which stay with me today. He made fun of everything and I laughed my ass off. Love that 18th century satire! I also recommend A Modest Proposal -- Jonathan Swift. Really hard hitting satire of the period.


Good one...

...but I think it rings better in English if "atrocities" is used in place of "injustices" (I know--"injustices" is the same in both French & in English, give or take a snotty nasal tone).


Depends upon the burd.

"Aburdities" somehow worked for me. Apparently, I have a thing for meta-jokes. :)

john cox:


I want to thank you for catching the original typo. I had to go back and redo the spelling, of course. These images don't need misspelled words hendering the overall message.


I agree with you entirely, but this one cracked me up. I'm weird, I know. :)


"Aburdities" is something the French would say. Sounds soooo intellectual!


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 5, 2010 8:16 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Haiku What?.

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