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A Look Back, #4, (August, 2005)



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Comments (5)

Hey John:

Your "Target Iran" dated September 2007 is still on the "Townhall" cartoon site and it's still current!

I really miss Cox & Forkum, but very glad you leave it up.



I don't recall hearing that story.

Conservationists wanted to introduce large African predators to the plains states, yet we're overrun with coyote (the dogs, not the human smugglers) in the eastern U.S., & they're always crying about mountain lions (avg. weight, 150 lbs).

Half ton kitties with no natural enemies shouldn't be a problem (just like the Asian carp in the Mississippi & the snakehead in other southern waters).

Here in Sweden, it has been decided that hunters are not allowed to shoot off the wolf population above the (very small) quota, so every year there are hundreds of sheep being killed simply because the politicians want to "preserve" a "fragile eco-system".

Conservationists are almost worse than the environmentalists in that they want the complete recall to nature, instead of simply a degenerate society powered by windmills and expensive organic food.


Why is it that 'conservationists' drive SUVs and never live "in the great outdoors", unless it's a huge RV?



An explosion in the wolf population is also a problem in the U.S. through parts of the mid-west & the north originating with their reintroduction to Yellowstone National Park, & the subsequent spillover (& reintroduction to other states).

Some states permit open hunting of wolves as a "varmint" species. Some states permit limited hunting of wolves as a "trophy" species. Others protect wolves outright, & the conservationists are driving state infighting with the "hunting permitted" & "restricted" states.


I guess for the same reason the guy who said the Pacific would rise & encroach into Nevada & Arizona bought a $9 million oceanfront mansion in the L.A. area in a down real estate market...

...& for the same reason the billionaire Democrat "Funderkind" who went bearish on Gulf oil stocks is taking a WAY long position on Brazilian deep oil wells while The Regime has been impeding U.S. energy production.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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