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Obama's World


Comments (12)


He's in over his head! That's for sure.

He needs to quit campaigning and start figuring out what's really going on. Is everyday of his presidency going to be some campaign speech?

Wyeth we not surprised?


Yep, ready to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory any moment now.


I know there's a symbolic reference to a painting in this, but I can't remember what. Hint, please?


This is a spoof of Wyeth's "Christina's World".


This is a spoof of Wyeth's "Christina's World".


I will use your cartoon for my open thread post on Obama on January 20.

Bill Erdmann:

Ah, yes - the spoof of Wyeth's painting, "Christina's World", the subject of which was a young woman afflicted with paralysis of her lower limbs. Could it be a forecast of the paralysis of President Obama's decision-making when faced with that first "big test" that Joe Biden warned us about last year?




For some reason, I was thinking this was a hybrid of two paintings, one of which was one of those impressionist "park" pictures [you had "excerpted" a figure from] to convey PEBO's myopic "It's a wonderful world"/"I'm OK, you're OK"/"I'll wait for the thaw & take credit for Spring" outlook.

Even more excellent than I had at first thought.

Christina was reaching for home. Apparently whatever "O" is reaching for has already gone up in flames. That opens a whole new venue for speculation.

Either it is his dream and vision for what he believes should happen in America, or it could be "literal home" as in Chicago and Mrs. O'Leary's cow has mysteriously come back a second time??? Anyway it is a great sketch with huge possibilities.

Tom Wms.:

I know I have a sick mind, but it kind of reminded me of Scarlet Ohara looking at Atlanta or Tara (both going up in flames). I'm not sure how B. O. could replace Scarlet, but anything's possible in fiction.


Well whatever it is, it begins today.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 17, 2009 6:32 PM.

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