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If I were to start blogging about bloggers who blog about bloggers who blog about other bloggers....would I create a rip in Time/Space Continuim and cease to exist?

Comments (43)

Wait, you EXIST???

Rob Sama has it close: You blog, therefore you are.

And boom goes the dynamite.

Jonathan Logan:

The tRavellOR known as Johan Caucks had contemplated for some time the intricacies of tri-crennalated enfolding of the blogshpere of this space time continuum... he understood the calculations necessary to fully implement the tristillate inverse tachyon field required to fully realize the implied realastatics of the prozicstant frammastats... so, with extreme caution and not a little gin, he began...


Gotta agree with Jonathan on this one. But to put it simply, you gotta be using a lot of booze to accomplish the feat. From personal experience, a 5-day bender in Bangkok seemed to pass in seconds (it also affects the libido, but that's another story) - conversely, a hangover slows time down. The hard part is maintaining a sufficient blood/alcohol level to maintain speed, but not so much that you begin run into an out-of-body experience - which might become permanent. So go ahead and rest easy. Blog on the bloggers who blog on bloggers who blog, I think it can be done easily at about a .30. Perhaps a merlot?


NO! Scratch that idle thought! You would simply spend part of your gift wasting away in Margarita Ville. What gift, you ask? The now in which you, at this moment, exist of course. Opps, sorry, it's gone. Anyway get busy enjoying yourself in the now because it's a gift and that's why we call it the Present.

Any talk of the Time/Space Continuim makes my stindeens hurt. I barely survived calculus.


A good Zinfindel will take care of that!

Tom Wms.:

I think you would clog the blog and therefore need some sort of cyber space plunger.

I'm with Tom Wms.

I think that's what happened to Edison. He discovered that, with a large enough group arranged with circular feedback, the game of telephone would self-perpetuate. His middle name is the casualty of one such game that is still going on somewhere in Jersey.

Don't let this happen to you, John Miriam Cox!

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John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 5, 2008 3:20 AM.

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