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12" x 8"
acrylic on board

Recently screened "Pollock" with Ed Harris as Jackson Pollock. Very inspiring in the sense that the bio-pic explores what every fine artist must decide: Why I am I doing this and how can I sustain the meaning.

I highly recommend the movie for its lust for creative freedom and the courage it takes to pull it off.

This, of course, is NOT my genre of work, but I must admit it's very entertaining to

Comments (11)


For a second there, I'd thought you'd grabbed on of #1 grandson's "works of art".

I hate that kinda of art, however it does look compelling.

Not more than cost of paint and canvas compelling, but sometimes, you can stare at it, and find something.

Example, in what the image above, I see sad image's despite the hyper expression.

There is an appearence of a blackeyed man in the bottom left, and the reason I saw the dark eyed man, is because of the frantic ankh like circle in the top right. in that circle, I see either a baby seal, or an otter that can't dance

The rest is just emotion, but pure emotion is trite, you have to find a focus. I found a sad man, who saw an otter that isn't allowed to dance.


Pollock must have been one heck of an artist. Just look at what his drop-cloths bring. I can't wait to see one of his paintings.

“Skill without imagination is craftsmanship and gives us many useful objects such as wickerwork picnic baskets. Imagination without skill gives us modern art.” – Tom Stoppard

I know this must be getting old, but john, (if I may call you john) you should add a comment update in your sidebar.

I wasn't talking about the penny

I was talking about your sublty in the background.

You formed the lines of her neck in line with the text of the other real pages, to form something that looked like a soft lensed photo.

You think I thought you would paint a real penny? after creating that image?

I liked the image, because I used to say (this is true) "she gives good throat!" when talking about women.

Later I learned that the actual term is "supersternal notch" so later my friends and I would say "she gives good notch."

Not meaning oral sex, but I think that women who when they react strongly have a deep well in their throats just above their sternum, accentuating their muscles, tendons and veins is a beautiful thing, its one of my quirks.

You drew something, that depicted my quirk, not a penny, or a page, you showed something real.

You either close old comments or I'm doing something wrong, sorry I had to do this here.

Don't worry, it's Pollockian art, so only fools and liars will take part (yes I'm being a smart ass) I just wanted to make sure you knew that.

At the time I was offline and only active sporadicly, so I'm catching up now. Sorry.

"East/West", I LIKE it!

There were three of Pollack's paintings that I did like: "Circumcision", "Guardians of the Secret", and "The Moon Woman" although I have only seen photographs of them; the drop-cloth type I never liked too much and I have seen several of them... there's a couple in the Tel Aviv Art Museum permanent collection.

I was more of a Georges Braque, Rene Magrit, Dali type and my all time favorite is Samuel Bak.

It's nice when you explore an extra-genre, John.

Shalom from Jerusalem

Steve M:

John Cox-Abstract Expressionist?
I didn't see that one coming.

I have "Close up of Graffiti on a Subway Car #14" as a title for this in my mind.

You are the third "traditional" style artist to recommend this movie-I'll have to check it out.

Bill Erdmann:

I've never been a big fan of Jackson Pollock in particular or of abstract expressionism in general. This work reminds me of the ties that guys wore back in the 'eighties; the disgraced Chicago Tribune columnist, Bob Greene, called them "dog vomit" ties.


Glad to read such a informed batch of comments. Thanks for the input.

Don't worry. This piece was an exercise in cutting loose for an hour or so.

If you happen to see some recognizable forms in EAST/WEST, it's purely accidental.

Pollak is interesting, but not at all expressive.

I think that when an artist says, usually aggresively, "what do YOU see" means that they aren't an artist.

I believe an artist says "You don't see it?" genuinely bemused.

seems like a small think, but I have a history of manipulating people.

The former is a lie, the latter is education.


That took an hour? Just kidding. It reminds me of the art (mostly sculptures) that you see in public buildings; contracted for often exorbitant prices.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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