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The Intellectual Activist Cover


This is a recent piece I illustrated for Robert Tracinski's magazine. The article is about the economic black clouds massing above the U.S. banking debacle.

Comments (8)


Oh look! There's Barney Frank running around telling everyone that all's well, no worries.


Storm got a little worse today! Bagdad Barney says everything is still ok.


I loved it today when Barney said he'd go and speak nicely to 12 Republicans to get their vote. Pity he could not do the same to 11 of HIS party members who sat on the same committee with him.

Steve M:

Great concept and execution! I wonder if the clouds would be darker and more ominous if done today?

That's pretty clever...

I agree with Rob Sama. Pretty clever illustration. I am glad that you could find banks on a solid ground with a explicit rational business philosophy. Take BB&T as an example. Have you seen Quent Cordair's painting, BB&T, Est. 1872?

Tom Wms.:

Speaking of Barney Frank, did anyone watch the Bill O'Reilly BBQ last night where Barney Frank was the main course?


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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