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Commissioned Piece


This is a cartoon I did for Peter O'keefe based on an idea he wanted to see 'tooned. Has a nice classic feel to it.

Comments (12)


Hey John! Watch your back! There are those who will be offended...the psycho #$%'s.
Wanna borrow an M1? :o)


I read that as "Commissioned Peace"


Wish I had thougt of it! Neat pun.


It is a bit confrontational, but I'll stand behind it.....BEHIND IT.


i'm not getting this. doesn't "good cop/bad cop" imply teamwork toward a common goal (manipulation/gamesmanship of the perp)?

I'm surprised (and disappointed) that the "all religion is evil" meme is getting this support. i hope i'm just dense, and there is a logical explanation.


Hey angela

I think you're missing this one by expecting it to be metaphysically accurate.

I briefly toyed with the idea of opining ad nauseum about why this 'toon is technically wrong, but I digressed in the interest of not spoiling the "party" for everybody else.

Your point doesn't sound dense to me--but maybe you've thought more about [the subject] than a lot of people, which is leading you to be obtuse.

Take on more of a "Jaywalking"/secularist mindset...& clardrdrdity ees curdrdrdtun to follow.


This wasn't a manifesto. More like a snapshot of why religion seems to be divisive by nature.

I'm sure there are many sects out there who consider Catholicism "bad".



Well said.

If I read ANGELA right, I get the impression that she is defending [some] religion, & perceives that you are lampooning Catholicism alongside Mohammedanism.

In the spirit of this site "being a mixer--not a think tank"--I'm abstaining altogether--although I made a lame attempt at trying to explain it without getting into it.

God bless us every one.


at Mike: heh, I read the title just the same... makes for an interesting twist :)

As any good satirical cartoon, it's main aim is to provoke thought. If you try to read cartoons as statements of truth, you'd have to throw out (or throw up on) 3/4 of the world cartoon production.

It's funny, it's interesting, it's giving reality a non-real twist (a 'what if'), not reflecting it. Made me smile. Thanks.

(Admittedly, it gets a bit problematic when people take the cartoon seriously and end up seeing it as a proof that religion is evil...)


Islamism and Catholicism are both divisive. i get it. thank God for the atheists.

i'm sure what i really need is more sects - that would lighten me up.

you rock, John. thanks.

Jonathan Logan:

Maybe the next one would be, oh, your "Uncle Sam" vs. say, oh, the leader of Iran?

Too much?

Oh brothers near
and sisters far
That we through
distance see

With clarity
of vision now
that we can look
back on thee?

Perhaps the time has
come to rest our
unreasoning hostility?

If not, I'll get
My gun.

Tom Wms.:

KORAN spelled backwards is NAROK


Now it all makes sense.


“A religion which requires persecution to sustain it is of the devil’s propagation.” – Hosea Ballou


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 17, 2008 5:04 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Book Cover Idea.

The next post in this blog is A Big "WELCOME!" to My Friend, Steve McAfee.

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