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AUCTION!: How Would You Like To Have.....


This is NOT a goof.

I'm auctioning a fun-filled day here in Decatur, Ga, with a goofy-ass cartoonist/painter (me) that includes (for that ONE lucky individual):

*An art lesson or two, if you like.
*Dinner at my favorite French restaurant. ($75-$125)
*Drinks at my favorite watering hole. ($50-?)
*Showing you around my favorite city in the world. (cost, no problem...)
*Owning your choice of any original oil painting from my studio. ($800-$1,100?)
*AND and an original color caricature of you that is yours to take home. ($100)


The only stipulation is you'll cover travel costs and hotel costs. I'll pay for any shipping the art may require.

PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT for charity. It's just a wild idea I had and I wondered if there are any brave, art-loving souls out there looking for a fun adventure.

Bid will start at $200 (with $10 increments or higher) and run from tonight until midnight Thursday, April 3. I will notify highest bidder of the results and if that person is unable to follow through, then I'll take the next highest bidder, and so on....This is based on notification of highest bid being actually paid.

I'm curious what occurs.....aren't you?

Good luck!

Comments (37)


Wow I have never heard of an artist auctioning themselves away and i am loving it. I just came across this site by chance, and now i wish i lived close to GA. Love your work tho.

It's probably not appropriate for me to bid (though it sounds like a helluva deal!) because I now publish a magazine that features profiles of cartoonists, but I sure wish I had known you were just over there in Georgia! I would have featured you in my first issue, which has a "Southern cartoonists" theme. I really enjoy your 'toons, John. I'll contact you later on for an upcoming issue.

I just wish I wasn't so poor.


Wanna bet a woman wins? ;o)

HEY Garanfan

1. All the bids will be here to see. I won't choose the winner based on gender.

2. This isn't suppose to be a romantic fantasy. Just a chance to own some work and have a few laughs. A guy's company would work out just fine.

3. A smart, humorous woman's company would work out just fine, too.

I will start the biding at $200. I am going to Valdosta next month to visit my 92 year old mother and could stop off.

you will save the money on drinks

you will save the money on drinks

ah, but that the art lesson would be entirely lost on me.

Bah. t'hell with it; sounds like a blast. Let's get this going...



If I still lived in FL, I'd be all over it... if for no other reason than to drink with the guy who drew all of these "Say What?" cartoons.

Mad William,
We'd have to get permission from John but I'd throw in $150 for the art lesson and you can pay for and have the rest.


That's a little complicated. let's stick to the basic auction. If you want to arrange a separate "lesson", let me know. I'll be happy to arrange a "shop class" for a certain fee.

You get what you pay for, right?


I won't be bidding, but I'll throw in a couple bottles of my wine featuring the artist's work for the winner.



That's cool. I was trying to find a less expensive way to get involved in the experiment. I'll contact you another time to talk about a shop class. Thanks,


What a generous offer! I know you'll gain a new fan for your delicious wine.


Thanks John

Hey it seemed to go with the spirit of the auction.


And here I am without any more flying monkeys to throw into the deal.

Shalom from Jerusalem:

Great idea. If I were not on the other side of the planet, John, I'd jump on this in a minute.

Have a great week


Life is unpredictable. One day, you might find yourself in the U.S. and I'll be here in Georgia, ready to be you a beer.

Looks like I am going to win?
How am I going to tell my wife??

Looks like I am going to win?
How am I going to tell my wife???

Hey George,

This ends April 3, midnight. Who knows who'll pop up.

And if you decide not to pony up, I can't do a dang thing about it. I just hope everybody gets what they want.

Don't worry, I hope that I win. I am already telling my wife that we should stop in Atlanta to visit a friend of hers.


Good to hear. I'm looking forward to hosting this thing!

Tom Wms.:

Hey, John:

I'll be in Atlanta next week, but I can't bid because they won't let me put on my expense account. Besides, If I want a piece of art, I can just take one from Allen's office.


Give me a time and place and I'll be happy to meet you for drinks here in Atlanta!

Tom Wms.:

(That'll give your other readers something to talk about or make them jealous.)

I'll get your number from Allen or you can call me at the office. I'll be there Tuesday through Friday.

Hey John:

If you decide to come to The Holy City, be sure to let me know you're coming and the falafels and beers are on me.


I guess that I won if you still want to do it. Send me an email at and I will send you my phone number and you can call me.

Roger Parian:

Hey John,
Sounds like a great deal. Love to have one of your originals in my "collection" and be able to say I know you and am an investor in your work. Might be fun to hang out in Decatur if you promise to protect me from the rest of Dekalb County. I'll take you out for $360 if you promise not to take all the good stuff out of your studio and also to be patient with a nearly deaf fan - which might make it tough to enjoy the French restaurant or the watering hole if they're really noisy but we can try.
I've told the wife I'm bidding and she gave me one of those looks but it wasn't like "over my dead body" type so if I win we can work out the details via email. Maybe Kimberly Jurgen will come along for a drink?
Roger in Savannah

I would have bid 370

I bid 370

The time post are a little off it is now 12:10


Good timing! At 11:58, your $360 edged out George's March 28th bid of $350.

Please send me your e-mail address and we'll work out the details. Congratulations! This'll be fun. My calendar is wide open to any travel time you might have.


It didn't quite work out the way you thought.

If you e-mail me a mailing adress, I'd like to send you a signed copy of Cox and Forkum Vol IV (the latest). Thanks for hanging in and being a fun part of this weird little experiment.

testing post time


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 27, 2008 10:16 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Quiptoons.

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