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Say What?


Comments (24)

"Honestly.....does this loin cloth make me look fat?"

So, where am I supposed to wear this thong thingy if not on my head?


So... Uh... This magic head thingy is uh... is going to stop that 60 foot tall Balrog from crushing my scull with that tree eh?


"Hat"? Look, we were willing to overlook the "hair" thing, but now you're going to far!

John McVey:

Okay, show me this "pointy-hat trick" of which you speak.


"Do you think Rohan or Gondor could spare a few men to help me with these Spartans?"

All I said was to show up in your party best for the after-slaughter. I didn't say it had to be a costume. Geez.


I don't care if you ARE a level 15 wizard. If you're gonna be in my army, you're gonna shave! Got that?


No, Grandpa, I don't belong to a cult.


Kneel Before Zod, Son of...wait...what movie are we in?


So you bought your hat on eBay?


"Maybe Zeppelin & Van Halen have been raking in the dough, but considering that my Rogaine never kicked in & how far you've let yourself go...not to mention the other problems...this Village People Reunion USO Tour is turning out to be a really bad idea."


No, I don't want to see "Glamdring, The Foe Hammer" or your sword either for that matter...

"Mordor? Dude, this is a CGI set for Sparta."


Stallone, Bonds, Clemens... whats wrong with a hobbit on HGH


"Seriously, Cooter...How can you compare the Hatfields and the McCoys to the Peloponnesian War?"

Special Ed:

You want Fries with that?

"Uhhh...nice try, dude, but while you're taking into Derridas differance, i've got to insist on Marx' Fetishism of accomodation. Now, IF G-G' is the abridged Formula of Capitalism, we have intrinsic moments of psychodynamic results..."

Jonathan Logan:

Now waitaminnit! You said if we inverted the teraphasic inverse callactrals, we could then instigate relastatics that the psitrophasic collostrics would modulate! Instead, all we got was the phramastatic fluids in our fanortner rods all over our refracto-nulliblades! Besides, I LIKE the way I look!


I do NOT spit when I talk.

Very funny. Now *POOF!* my clothes back again so I can continue to lead the charge.


Looks like Leno to me.

"No, we didn't bring in Spartans to handle the writer's strike...that's Planned Parenthood."

Plain gold, with no writing on it? Good luck, Dude. In case you didn't notice we sport a lot of bling.

Mike H.:

Would you mind giving me my mûmakil back?


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 4, 2008 5:21 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Super Bowl XLII.

The next post in this blog is AFTER RAPHAEL.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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