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20" x20"
oil on canvas

If I were to do more commissioned portraits, I think I'd try to capture more of the sitter's personality - as opposed to just catching a mere likeness.

Comments (41)


"I think I'd try to capture more of the sitter's personality"

Shy, retiring, humble.

Jonathan Hohensee:

"I think I'd try to capture more of the sitter's personality"
sexy, adonis, Randian hero.

Jonathan Hohensee:

Have you ever posted any of your commision pieces before? I don't remember ever noticing if you have.
If you haven't, I'd love to see it.

Nah. That's just you before you discovered Chatham Artillery Punch.


Your future's so bright, you've got to block it with your hand, lest it blind you. Or maybe it's an homage to the original paparazzi, who had to force celebrities to sit still in order to capture their image in paint. Or maybe the light was just too bright to see the canvas while you painted.

Is it based upon a photo or did you do this by looking in a mirror while sitting in a hot tub? If the latter, I can imagine that your arm became mighty tired.

Capturing the sitter's personality rather than mere likeness is excellent. In the above image, I'm caught between GarandFan's descriptors and a raw, utilitarian explanation, with your hand being the focus of the image and space above your head having some symbolic meaning.

What do you see, John?


Is this from your "Interogation Room" series? ;-)


Thanks for the wonderful feedback....

1. Don't have any photos of some past commissions. Just as well. It's hard to get a grasp of a portraits success without knowing the sitter.

2. Sexy? WHAAAAT?

3. As for the subtext of the portrait, I'd admit to a little self-aggrandizement here. I'm NOT in a spotlight and it wouldn't be THAT horrible. I think it's more about self-absorbtion and how it can be an obstacle to creativity.


It was a photograph first and then I adopted it to canvas.


(sounds of screaming in the background)..... a lone voice cries out and it's picked up by a microphone...

"Leave John Cox alone!"


Still laughing.....

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zyicjrwp zrfjd wkxnsmql pmryvg tabcs ewifpc hpwfyol http://www.fbdnhxk.dwofa.com


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 13, 2007 2:58 PM.

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