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Put Down the Pen and Step Away From the Paper...


Skulking around the bloggers, ammo in hand, I spent last Saturday ambushing the feckless few who fell under my pen. They didn't ask for it (WHO WOULD?), but some things can't be negotiated.

A big hearty thanks to all you guys for letting me be a small part of your wonderous annual gathering in Helen, Georgia. I haven't been in the presence of such creative forces since my "hiatus" in a local asylum.

A special high five goes out to Sam and Zonker. You baby-sat the newbie and showed him The Blown-Eyed Way.

Can't wait to do it again.

Comments (31)

Man, you fit right in. In all of about three minutes, you were one of the regular reprobates.

And a big thank you for reminding me that I am as homely as a bag off assholes.

Great stuff. Look forward to hanging with you again some time.


So, not only am I introduced to the Famous John Cox by having him spear me with a half-rubber fastball in the left nipple, he draws me looking like a white Hattie McDaniel…and then f**king posts it on his blog!

Gottdayum, bro…where does your beatnik ass live? Because you are gonna get hunted down by me.

Seriously, I really loved hanging with you. You’re a terrific guy…with a sick f**king sense of humor. Make sure you lock all your doors at night, and have 24-hour security.

PS: Between you & me, Jimbo is a homely bastidge, ain't he? Oh…Hi Jim! You cutie petutie, you.


And they say New Yorkers have an attitude...fuhgedaboudit!

Really fun meeting you and da guys. Now, if I can get my hands on a kevlar vest, maybe I can get some sleep.


It was Downtown for sure....

Way Downtown....

Extremely well done, I recognize most all of those creatures, at least the ones I have might a time or two.

; )


.... yowza... what a scary looking crew!.... and hey, it was great meeting you and crushing your curveballs.... hope you can make it up to my house at the end of the month...


Those are great! The ones of Zonker and Sam still have me cracking up. Sorry I missed all the fun this year.

I haven't laughed this hard since Saturday night.

I know a place that has a surplus of military grade hummer armour. Don't know if I'd sleep well under the kevlar.


I'll bring the heat, next time. I have to admit, the junk I was serving up had about as much bite as a poodle on percodan.

I was in Helen all weekend. I wish I would've known you were up there.

"Hey, John...monkey."




Hehehe...good time, dude. I'm glad that you made it up and were able to spend some time experiencing the chaos of the Jawja Blodgers. Remember - not only can you not make this shit up, you don't NEED to make this shit up!

That's the last time I let anyone sketch me at 1:00 a.m.

Of course, I deserved worse, but I'm up on you 2-to-1.

The Body Guard:

John, really nice to meet you and sketches were just unbelievable !!!! In case this name doesn't ring a bell - I'm the guy that makes sure Jimbo ( PRS ) stays out of trouble at these meets. you keeps me out of trouble is another story !!!!!

Ken - The Body Guard

Sweet!!! That Georgia rawks.


Hmmmm....where can I get copies of the police reports?

Heheheh... those are some great sketches!!!

Is there any reason that most of them have the drunken squints? :)

Great talking to you, John. Wish I could have been there to meet ya in person!


My pleasure. The Helen Experience is one I'll be telling for awhile.

Too much, guys!

Aw, John, when I met you at the Mushroom a couple months ago I knew - just knew - that you would be completely at home with this bunch of reprobates.

So glad you could make it - 'twas Big Fun!

John - So glad you could make it. You fit right in. You are now officially a Blown-Eyed Blodger.


Ha! I ran off with mine so's you couldn't post it. ;) Just kidding. I wanted to keep it, and I thank you for it. Love, love, love the blogger collage.

It is always humbling to be in the presence of true talent. And, to actually have a chance to touch and artist's thoughts, was an honor beyond all. Rock on!

That's it. The diet starts tomorrow.

Regardless, I had a WONDERFUL time chatting with you. The Chicago offer is open-ended. (And I promise to leave the sharp objects at home if you decide to take me up on that!)


You betcha! Just a matter of when. That "cash thing" again.

The only things sharp I want around is your thoughts on Chicago. A wonderful surprise meeting you!

Fabulous. You captured the essence of the usual suspects perfectly. Sorry I missed the chance to meet you after all these years.

Apparently, I gained all sorts of cred with my son when he found out about you being in Helen with the blodgers.

I raised him right, of course.

For the love of Gott, please, post more stuff so you can bury this in your archives!



Also, I have pictures I need to email you...assuming the address is somewhere on your page.

Lehitra, bro.

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John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 15, 2007 1:01 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Caricature Du Jour.

The next post in this blog is WHAT LIES UNDERNEATH.

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