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24" x 30"
mixed media on canvas

Comments (52)


The taped on picture is brilliant. Seriously it's great. But I think the picture would look even better without the pencil - it makes a counterpart to the coloured part, but I donĀ§t think that works as well as a one-sided composition would, plus the takes away the ethereal feel of the sketch+colour combination. Imho.


Thanks for the insightful comment. The trompe l'oeil taped-on charcoal pencil is a bit of artifice to remind the viewer where the drawing came from. That fact it seems to overtake the figure drawing is on purpose.

Deja vu... ah, "Introspection". I knew I saw that before. Is this derived from an earlier sketch for that piece?

Once begun... you've got to finish it? :) And perhaps you began it once before?

Kukn, it would have a different, perhaps smoother feel without the pencil, but I think it adds a bit more complexity to the symbolism. John seems to lean toward such juxtapositions.

btw, I'm not sure if you could tell, but there is no tape on the canvas. John's "trompe l'oeil" ("trick of the eye") technique is simply amazing.


Stunning! Almost as good as my "Elvis on velvet" under blacklight. :o)


Yes...I tend to use poses for multiple compositions. It's my way of exploring certain themes. Once I fall in love with a certain sketch of mine, I'll wear it out.



Heh, yeah I know the stickers and pencil aren't real. But only because I asked John about the techinque some 50 pictures back :)

Kukn, me too! :)


Would it take things too far, to see the upper taped section as both a part of the drawing that is finished and as some kind of burden she carries? Her pose suggest this burden to me. ...

A painter in the grips of the initial decision: drawing or painting? Will painting narrow the mental space the drawing opens?

Thomas that I am, I'd love to see the original. Yes, I was tricked.

And yes, I wonder about the painters thoughts beyond the material on canvas.

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John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 11, 2007 3:50 PM.

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