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Book Cover Idea


This could be a story (taking place during Napoleon's campaign in Spain) about an old warhorse gone AWOL who disovers what life is like on the farm where he was born.

Comments (13)


Not apropos of anything other than this takes place in France, a better title may have been "Comes a Rouge Rogue"....you know, "nuanced". :o)


Could be a cover for Animal Farm.

Exactly Kukn,

I saw it more as an expression of a motivated Boxer, telling Napolean, that Napolean isn't bacon only because as boxer walks away napolean doesn't eat hooves.

It's sort of anti-orwelian in that sense.

"yeah yeah yeah, you pigs, you are telling me oh so much" (camera farce gaze) then walk away.

Then again, Thats how the likes of napolean and other scumbags like . . . . I don't know, university presidents and deans, come to power.

When depicting a war horse, never show him with a bowed head.

First the armor doesn't allow it, and the horse is alwas defensive.

Rather than making warhorses hyper agressive, they make them hyper-horsish, only in exactly the opposite way.

Warhorses don't flee from sound, the charge toward sound unless otherwise directly by their human.

Warhorses, old or new, don't lose their stature, thats why the great breads almost always have tall necks.


That's why they call it F-I-C-T-I-O-N. ;)


Great idea! Perhaps a metaphor for the wanton destruction of the Napoleonic Wars?

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John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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