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Samuel Beckett (1906 - 1989) was an Irish poet and playwright who maintained a reputation as a genius wrapped in ash cloth. Not a party guy, Beckett

Comments (11)


Wow. Looks like Eve ate the apple because Adam had already eaten everything else!


What? How'd an apple get you pregnant?

Jonathan Logon:

Is that her belly, or her...?

Jonathan Logon:

Maybe Adam should gat her a bra?

Love the snake in the tree. I immediately looked for where I might put it and saw it there. Nice touch.


Loose and let loose. Geez. let gravity alone;


A gifted lady, that...

methinks john is of an age, and likes him the curves.

Can't say I disagree.

Eve was STACKED! and that trunk?


No doubt why Adam is looking twice, he must be thinking something like...
"What happened to that little Eve... omg!"

adam was probably thinking "eve? If I eat this, can I hit that hot s@#T?"

cuz I would have nibbled on a turd, to hit that form. Just Say'n.


eve is soo sexy


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 31, 2007 2:42 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Say What?.

The next post in this blog is St. Buster.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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