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Beware The Grappler


Skeptics doubting the stories of The Grappler can't explain what happened to Miss Jenkins on that fateful evening of June 7th, 1879 in Bloodshire, England.

Comments (51)


A series of blood currdeling screams rent the cool night air. The type of bayful howl that comes from the bottom of the soul; leaving no doubt to those within hearing that someone was in dire straights.

Neighbors flew to their windows and doors to see whence the cries came. While they saw nothing of import, their noses were assaulted by the etheral fragrance of magnolias.

Silence, stone cold silence. But then there was that insessant giggling sound once again flying lightly across the commons.

Twas no life threatening goblin, merely Spinster Jenkins in the throes of another mind boggleing sexual high.

The Grappler had struck again!

Hey G

Beyond purple! Dang near POETIC!!

The next morn, all they could find of Miss Jenkins was her bustle. In a hedgerow...

Hey That Guy

Zep fan, are we?

You're not kidding. Way to paint a vivid picture, G. Nice job.

That Grappler's an animal.


Good flavouring that, GarandFan.

As to the picture, I previously said the thick outlines don't quite match your style, jC. But they work great in this pic - it's how they make the character stand out against the background, giving the image a 3D feel (together with the sharp highlights).
Also, love the hand.

Mmmmmm...baby got bustle.

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John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 1, 2007 5:58 PM.

The previous post in this blog was The Waaaaaaaay Back Machine (1982).

The next post in this blog is Promo Idea.

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