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With Apologies to Mr. Kane...


I've always thought Bruce Wayne's alter-ego was a bit goofier than originally intended...

Comments (5)

Jonathan C. Hohensee:

Batman's mom died!


I wouldn't mind seeing the lower half of the picture...


What! No iPhone!


There is no "lower half". Just kind of random takes on the Caped Crusader.

Your absolutely right....no mom. But
WHAT IF he did? Just goofin...

This Batman is slightly techno-capped. Has Betamax at Wayne Manor and uses Clap On for his cave lights.


y'know, on one hand, Batman is by far the coolest superhero of all time (IMHO). On the other hand, he's a grown man dressing up in spandex and a cape wearing his underwear on the outside.

Anymore, I guess, superheroes just freak me out a little.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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