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Darts Anyone?


I'm looking to start a dart team.

Comments (36)


Oh boy! First the Pope, now you!

Jonathan Logon:

I don't get it.


It's about the absurd juxtaposition of a supreme deity and something as pointless as darts. Haha.


Tasteless and offensive.

Doug Toney:

I agree, tasteless and offensive. I think I'll go blow some stuff up now.

Disclaimer - The author of this comment would like the government to know that "blowing stuff up" was his attempt at sarcasm. There's no need to be knocking down his door.


Tough audience!


I don't think the picture and tagline quite hit the bullseye here.

I dunno, John...if people were offended by this one, I guess you'd better cancel the release of your "Billiards For Yahweh" sketch.

ps: I'd volunteer for the team but even Jesus thinks I suck at darts.


Good darts is in direct proportion to a lousy social life. Just means more time to practice.

Besides, I'm pretty this "team" would be on the first charter bus to Hell.


Good darts is in direct proportion to a lousy social life. Just means more time to practice.

Besides, I'm pretty sure this "team" would be on the first charter bus to Hell.


Good darts are in direct proportion to a lousy social life. Just means more time to practice.

Besides, I'm pretty sure this "team" would be on the first charter bus to Hell.

If you end up short a player, do let me know...I'll certainly give it a shot.

BTW - the artwork for Joe was a huge hit. Rocked people's socks off, it did. You should have already had some folks contacting you about more work. Thanks again!

Being on a dart team is not about winning... it's all about the drinking, Zonker. Gott knows you can hang with the best of'em there.

And thanks for that work of art, John. As Z said, it was a real hit. While it may have been a caricature, you managed to capture my smirk perfectly.

Next time I'm down to visit Z, we'll have to get together so I can buy you a beer.


Sounds good. Glad you enjoyed the art. Z prepped me pretty good.

And you'r right....good darts has a lot to do with a certain alcohol intake. Easy to learn, HARD to master.

5 minutes later...

Still laughing.

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John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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