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Party Like It's 1996


Comments (8)


Yeah, 17 years of pent up libido...and BAM! Dead in 24 hours.


ROFL, "Sugar Britches" that's funny, John.

Been at a convention all week, catching up.

John Cox:

Hey Yo

"Sugar britches" is a classic Southernism that dates back to moonshine and transistor radios.


The endless noise! OOOOhhhh!



They go silent here at dusk. It's kind of interesting--at night, there is very little noise from anything--eerily quiet--it's as though even "the regulars" want some peace & quiet.

Dr. Bob:

What I don't understand is why they do this all at once. Why not 1/17th of them doing it each year.

It's so unlike nature to do that - it BUGS me.

John -

What kind of context would the term sugar britches be used for by a southerner? Intended for children or sweet young things? It doesn't seem like a good pickup line. I suppose it's better than "sour puss".

John Cox:

Hey Br Bob

"Sugar britches" is a endearment among intimates. You wouldn't use that term towards a stranger without expecting a curt comeback.

There are 12 different "broods" that take turns emerging every 13-17 years. You can count on an invasion of these red-eyed swarmers each year in different portions of the country.

T again:

DR. B:

Cicadas emerge en masse to overwhelm predators; can't eat 'em all. They're defenseless, & the adult phase is only a month long, with a week of that dedicated to hardening their final exoskeleton.

I've been called "Sugar Britches" (& equivalents) in any of a number of diners or small country restaurants by flirty waitresses. Think "Florence Jean Castleberry."


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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