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Pencil Rough


This is what the November issue of Automotive Report looks like at the moment. The cover story is about attracting and attaining sales idea for the industry.

I'll post the finished piece later on.

Comments (9)


Did you shade the whole thing with pencil or is that just the color of the paper?

A millimeter off on that eye and "Eureka!" becomes "I've gone cross-eyed!" :)

Thanks for showing us your process, John.

John Cox:


Glad you appreciate a little peak behind the curtain. Though this is the green-lighted image, I'll still have opportunities to fine tune and push certain details.


That had better be one of those "green" light bulbs or the EPA will be after you!


I thought the pic was about the Green Police making sure we don't use incandescent bulbs even in our thoughts.


Is that light bulb for an IDEA or subliminal for a VOLT which is powered by coal or nuclear.

John Cox:

HEY Cowboy

Just the ol' classic cartoon cliche.

Yet...I wonder what graphic symbol was used to denote "idea" before Edison came along?


Maybe lit candles, struck matches, or lightning bolts?

T again:

Just remembered from philosphy: Plato used the Gadfly as a metaphor. Don't know whether he was an artist or not.

Dr. Bob:

You know, I've had that feeling... where I come up with a brilliant idea, then somebody steals it and the idea just craps out.

Just like in the illustration, the guy stealing the bright idea has an armload of previously bright ideas that are no longer bright - they're burned out.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 12, 2012 1:06 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Final Art for November's Automotive Report Cover.

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