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Comments (11)


While the rest of us aren't noticed at all.

"Let the sun come out, you big bad GI Joe."


Is this just a coincidence that this 'toon came out the same day the story broke about Radford Bakery in
Virginia refusing to host Biden and the Secret Service thanking him for taking a stand?

John Cox:

Hey C
Totally unintended. I'm not sure I get the connection.


I'll admit it works better in my brain than in words but I'll give it a try.
"Some cause happiness wherever they go..." the baker made the Secret Service happy for taking a stand,
"Others whenever they go." Biden didn't show up so he brought happiness to the baker and the SS agents.

Maye my brain is just a scary place to be.


Also the character looks like he could be a Secret Service agent.

John Cox:

Hey C

Bless your brain. It's the only one ya got.


Those who leave the course better than they found it may accomplish both.


It doesn't sound like a very smart idea for Mr. Lit Fuse himself to visit the home town of the RFAAP, which happens to be the government's only source for TNT.

I guess "smart idea" is the key phrase here. Never mind. Smoke 'em if you got 'em!


I like your optimism, T.


Hm. But it also works for Obama. Happiness coming based on hype, happiness leaving based on reality.

I still prefer your optimism, though. :)

T again:

Thanks, Z--but I'm hardly an optimist (an idealist, maybe--but that isn't very practical). Anyway--all I did was plagiarize a point of etiquette from the USGA rule book. : )


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 16, 2012 2:38 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Automotive Report Cover (September).

The next post in this blog is Book Cover Illustration Idea.

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