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Say What?


Comments (26)

I love reading your blog good. I can provide you with invaluable information. Fell intothis opportunity to blog, but I'm sure glad I clicked the link. You must answer all the questions I have been scrambling to answer for some time. Will come back to this moretrouble.

Ed B:

Yeah, yours is OK, but mine is the definitive stooge!

I'm very happy to see this article!!!it's very funning!!!
Thank you for your article!!!


This could have been a Quiptoon:

"I'm tryin' to think, but nothin' happens!" - Curly Howard (Calling all Curs, 1939)


"I can't tell whether you're on our side & being serious & whether you're against us & being facetious."


That should have been:

"I can't tell whether you're on our side & being serious OR whether you're against us & being facetious."

Share this great article very much. Please continue this blog, because it is my favorite of my blog readers to one, thank you


"Yeah... Well Hawaiians LOVE Spam--& Barry is the KING of mass-produced slimy pork."

Please tell me the title you choose to keep this up! Its so very good, very important. I can not wait to see away from you. I really think youknow so significant, to know how to get people to listen to you mightsay. This blog is too cool a miss. Wonderful thing, really. Please, please keep it up!

Doc Al:

Nyuk nyuk nyuk.


You're new to the whole "grassroots flash mob" thing, aren't you?

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Excellent post. I want to thank you for this informative read, I really appreciate sharing this great post. Keep up your work.

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Dr. Bob:

The cartoon immediately brought to mind "Send in the Clowns".

Unfortunately, they're already in office.

Apologies to Steven Sondheim

"Don't you love farce?
Economy's stopped.
He said he'd do something great but
What a flop!
Where are the clowns?
Capitol clowns.
In Washington."

In fact, this is a very, very good submission. In theory I want to createthis also - so the actual time and efforts to writing a fantasy ... butwhat can I say ... I have a lot of delays and will not be made ​​a littlesomething there .

Wow. This is crazy.By the way, this theme is very easy to read. Thank you.

"T"oo much time on my hands:

Let’s soak the rich
I'll make life "fair"
You where you belong flat on the ground,
Me in mid-air.
Send in the clowns.

Isn't it bliss?
Don't you approve?
One who keeps tearing apart,
So you can't move.
Where are the clowns?
Send in the clowns.

All this time I've been
Slamming the doors,
Libs didn’t mind ‘til
The one that I got to was "yours",
Making my entrance again
With my usual flair,
Sure of my lines,
With 9 backup TOTUSes there.

Don't you love pork?
Well you’re screwed, my dear.
I don't care you don't want what I want--
Choke on it, my dear.
But where are the clowns?
There ought to be clowns.
Quick, send in the clowns.

What a surprise.
Who could foresee
The way that I’ve always loathed you
You’ve come to loathe me?
Why only now when I see
That you'd drifted away?
It’s not a surprise.
But what a cliché.

Isn't it sad?
Isn't it queer?
Losing my mind this early
In my career?
And where are the clowns?
Quick, send in the clowns.
Don't bother--we’re here.

Great idea, DR BOB. Hope you don't mind that I ran with it.


Hey Mo,
He said "Fix the Economy"!
How we do that?
Hey Mo?

Here I'll fix you - you idiot!

Why's the text so much smaller?????

"Why, I oughta..."

You seem to be very professional in the way you write.;’-*

I'm not so sure it requires a caption. Kinda speaks for itself.

I love reading your blog good.

I love reading your blog good.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 10, 2011 12:06 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Quiptoons.

The next post in this blog is Children's Book Cover Illustration Idea.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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