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and now a word from Henry Kissinger...



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Comments (4)


Well, he served in military intelligence (including hazardous combat during WWII), & from there he went to Harvard--without being a "legacy"--where he was summa cum laude. BA, MA, & PhD, & they thought enough of him to keep him there as a professor. He didn't slouch off to be a community agitator. He didn't have to go slumming as a "law prof" at the University of Chicago.

This quote is probably the number one lesson to be learned from an Ivy League edumucation.


Henry went back to the State Department to get an award after he'd left office.

He got lost. Seems in the past, his aides always pointed him in the right direction.


Thanks for the info


You're welcome, Minimus. Now wipe the drool off your keyboard. That isn't a "thought".


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 17, 2010 1:13 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Hard To Say Goodbye.

The next post in this blog is KiRKWOOD.

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