Binary Update
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He managed his last REGULAR season game today. And won (barely). Now it's on to the post-season. LET'S GO BRAVES!
The new Democratic Party logo looks like a target. How convenient.
Ever gaining height
Gravity is but a myth
Wooed by a whirwind.
I don't mind admitting that this toon is disturbing on many levels.
With the release of Carter's new book detailing the oceans of minutia he dealt with during his White House years, it's apparent Carter believes his legacy STILL needs some creative polishing.
NOTE: Please accept my humble acknowledgement of Norman Rockwell's fabulous
triple self-portrait.
To the starting line
And time has lost its meaning
Where passion must count.
Well, my Braves finished their season with a disappointing whimper and must now consign myself to rooting for the Phillies (if I must) and trying to watch football. My disdain and utter contempt for the vile Yankees is such that I actually want them front and center in the Fall Classic so that the stellar Phillie pitching staff can make the overstuffed, overweened Yankees shrink in awed horror.
This editorial appears in the up-coming November issue of Allen Forkum's automotive newspaper. I always get a kick out these cartoons when they cross-over to the political arena.
Just back from a family visit and was getting my nostalgia on.
Five little piggies
With mild ambitions, at best,
Ain't gonna cut it.
I wish a blood-stirring All Hallows' Eve to my crepuscular commenters and their ethereal beastie brethren crawling the web.
John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at]
This page contains all entries posted to John Cox Art in October 2010. They are listed from oldest to newest.
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November 2010 is the next archive.
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