24" x 24"
oil on canvas
« April 2009 | Main | June 2009 »
24" x 24"
oil on canvas
NOTE: Special thanks to my homie, Bill Andrew.
(With apologies to Bill Watterson, my all-time favorite comic strip god.)
48" x 48"
oil on canvas
This is a piece I completed recently for my new body of work.
Getting my Buck Rogers on...
This is what I do: I load up a brush full of pigment and let 'er rip. And ain't rocket science. It's more like alchemy.
And God is watching.
Allen Forkum wrote and I illustrated this toon for the June issue.
A few more refugees looking for work....
This is the new cover I illustrated for Allen Forkum's paper.
NOTE: This came from an OLD toon I did for Allen Forkum's Automotive Report. So there is a specific punchline Allen wrote for it. I'm curious to read who comes the closest...or even IMPROVING it. I'll write in the actual dialogue we used in a few days.
In remembrance...
John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at]
This page contains all entries posted to John Cox Art in May 2009. They are listed from oldest to newest.
April 2009 is the previous archive.
June 2009 is the next archive.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.