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and now a word from George Carlin...


NOTE: I happen to prefer the '70's George Carlin.

Comments (6)


I'm with you on that one John. It's like he forgot about humor later on and devolved into sarcasm.


George had a propensity for cutting through the BS and seeing the absurd that was right in front of our face....and it was funny. I loved him until the last several years (as John said in the 70s) where he, and a lot of stand ups, just got so progressively political. Can hardly watch them anymore. I still think we lost a good one.(The 70s version).

Me too. In many ways.

It seems to happen to most of them. Robin Williams who used to be pretty secure in the middle of the A list is an intolerable bore now.


It must be awful to have your livelihood dependent on public adulation--walking the line (& at some point believing you have to cross it) between clever & insightful (perhaps even appropriate) & over-the-top (perhaps "whoring yourself" to a public you've learned isn't so bright).



I meant George Carlin, Eddie Murphy, Robin Williams, etc.--entertainers--not real artists.


Adulation comes at a price. Self-deception is inescapeable.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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