Ring it in, baby!
Hang loose, y'all. Here's wishing inspiration, perseverance, compassion and humor to all my fond viewers and commenters in the coming trip around Sol.
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Hang loose, y'all. Here's wishing inspiration, perseverance, compassion and humor to all my fond viewers and commenters in the coming trip around Sol.
48" x 24"
oil on canvas
This is the second finished painting that has come out of my new art space in Decatur. It's kind of a companion piece to "Transforming".
I've got a third and fourth waiting for finishing touches. I'm in the painting studio about three to fours a day and my production rate is something I haven't experienced since my first studio space I had in the 90's. Feels like I'm in a zone.....
At IBDeditorials.com you'll find this Michael Ramirez JANUARY 5 (!!) cartoon. Check out my December 31 cartoon. Great minds, eh?
Been diggin' on Talking Heads "Little Creatures" (1985). The last cut is "Road to Nowhere" which seems poignant these days. Overall, though, it sounds and feels like a party album.
24" x 48"
oil on canvas
This is the third piece in a body of work I'm producing. More to come....
Come on, Norm. Concede to the uber-lefty newbie cum Saturday Night Live comedy writer.
Oh, Minnesota, I'm soooooo disappointed....but HIGHLY ENTERTAINED.
I was asked to design and illustrate this logo for the band Lag Wolf. They described their music as "heavy metal-country".
This is a pencil rough for Allen Forkum's "Automotive Report" this month. Once we both agree this is the way to go, I'll turn this humble scramble of pencil lines into a ravishing watercolor illustration.
I'll post the finished art soon.
24" x 48"
oil on canvas
This is the fourth painting I've finished since working in my "new" studio. This one has a detailed "tiled" surface that is lost at this tiny scale.
From pencil rough to finished watercolor illustration...
I thought it might be fun to reproduce a Guido Reni rendition of St. Paul using a trompe l'oeil theme and a bit of Photoshop.
Even when I'm not working on a paying gig, I find it extremely helpful to mess around with classic images to stay sharp and possibly pick up a trick or two.
This is a page from "Working at Olsons: Watercolor and Drawings by Andrew Wyeth". I purchased the book at Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, when I visited his museum in 1998.
I've cherished his watercolors and egg temperas ever since I can remember. To this day, I'm inspired by his work ethic, his dignity and his focus on timeless themes. Godspeed, Mr Wyeth.
"To be interested soley in technique would be very superficial to me. If I have an emotion, before I die, that's deeper than any emotion than I've ever had, then I will paint a more powerful picture that will have nothing to do with just technique, but will go beyond it."
Andrew Wyeth
This is what "Crossing Over" might look like in a tasteful living room.
48" x 36"
oil on canvas
This is the fifth piece from my new body of work.
8" x 8"
charcoal on board
Mr. Reality came knockin' on Caroline Kennedy's door. Poor thing.....
This is the announcement I'll be printing up to put in some of local watering holes here in Decatur. We'll see what happens....
So far, I've finished eight pieces and expect to do about four more. I'm confident that the show will catch a lot of people by surprise.
Idea for the illustration courtesy of Tom Williams.
48" x 48"
oil on canvas
This is a recently finished piece for my upcoming March 7th show.
John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.
This page contains all entries posted to John Cox Art in January 2009. They are listed from oldest to newest.
December 2008 is the previous archive.
February 2009 is the next archive.
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