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Say What?


Comments (13)


Not meant as a caption, but I thought global warming was supposed to have killed that thing ... ?


"Hewwo. I am James Bwonowski the Twenty-thiwd. Wewcome to my histowical intwospective of the Twenty-Fiwst Centuwy, The Descent of Man. Awwow me to intwoduce you to the monstew that bwought down the gweat expewiment in wepbuwican govewnment... The dinosauw that made Amewican fweedom extinct... I am speaking, of couwse, of the infewnal Democwat."


That should have been "...wepubwican govewnment..."


NEWS FLASH - Scotland:

"Now that Obama has won, even Nessie thinks she's a Democrat"

TOP NEWS: Residente of Chicago assure they saw a creature in Lake Michigan. They call it Obamessie.


Donkeesass taxitoomus, once thought to be extinct because of its inability to evolve into a self reliant species, has reappeared in Lake Michigan. It feeds by first misdirecting its prey with fear-like bellowing, and then devouring them as they cower into collectivist groups.

The Lock Ness Donkey is rising, hold on to your wallets!


That's it. Very funny

Tom Wms.:

I second John's comment. Cowboy's killed the competition. It was great.


"When he promised change, I had no idea it would mean I'd be wearing a shirt that was pink on one side and orange on the other."


I thought Terwiliger's was hilarious, but it's JACOB Bronowski, not James. Nailed the vibe from "The Ascent of Man" films. Maybe a bit on the obscure side, though.


Yeah. It's either "Jacob" or just plain "J.".

I don't know when that series was made. From what I remember, they looked like they could have been from the early 70s (or maybe the late 60s).

They were "required viewing" for a "comedy college" history class presided over by a likeable "enigma" who was a cross between Truman Capote & H. L. Mencken (more the former than the latter).

Obscure by now, no doubt. I often make the mistake of thinking that my experience is more universal than it is.

There should be some Bronowski clips on YouTube. The one where he talks about "Lucy... Austwawlopifthecoos" (Australopithecus in Fuddsian King's-English) is stuck in my brain.

"Worst Effing Retriever EVER!"


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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