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Say What?


Comments (27)


I'm your brother, trust me, this will work!


Don't you fly away from me, young man! Those gutters had better be spotless when your dad gets home!

I think GarandFan and John struck a universal chord there since that is exactly what I see. I just had some serious flashbacks.

"John! I told you buying him that hat was a bad idea! 'just a hat' my tuchas."

Bobby knew he could fly in his lucid dreams without the hat but he figured "why risk it"? He also took a step to his right and aimed for the speech balloon, just in case.


Being the eldest with 2 younger brothers....I plead guilty...but only because the statute of limitations has run out.

:) That's me in the picture. I'm the younger. I don't quite have the temperament to coax someone else to do those things. I still marvel at my older brother.

Yup, GarandFan got it :D


"Just like Dumbo, Mom!"

Further evidence of the influence of the media over our children.

It's things like this that make me glad I was the oldest of three girls. I broke enough bones on my own without the Y chromosome entering the equation. ;-)


I'm your brother, trust me, this will work!

True story.

As a kid I had a pool, (above ground) and a garage next to that pool. My brother his friends, my cousins and I used to jump and dive into that 6' deep pool from our garage roof.

Later, there was the invention of the "solar cover" that allowed pools to be warmish during colder months.

We used to jump into that cover, cuz it was a new variable. and since everyone else could almost, if not exactly stand up in the pool, there was no danger.

Me being the younger brother dove head first off the garage roof, into the solar cover and I might have drowned.

I don't know EXACTlY why this image made me remember that, but it did.

Though it was an unpleasant experience, I think it was a valuable one. I didn't panic, and my friends and family hurried to save me.

I experienced and SAW it directly. I love them all.


YOWZA. Sorry to read this brought up a traumatic incident in your life.

Maybe I should stick to gorillas in tutus.


Been there, done that young man, now get done here and finish my sponge bath.



When we're young, we're immortal. Which explains why I was able to repeatedly jump out of a perfectly good airplane at 19. Today, I shudder!


That? It's just another one of those nuts who read too many "Democratic Underground" threads. They wore tin foil hats back in the old days, but they say the new ones help reduce their carbon footprint.


That? It's just another one of those nuts who read too many "Democratic Underground" threads. They wore tin foil hats back in the old days, but they say the new ones help reduce their carbon footprint.


Sorry about the apparent "double tap".

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John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 31, 2007 2:11 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Introducing....

The next post in this blog is The Waaaaaaaay Back Machine (1982).

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